"Grand Hotel Chogn" Arosa Swiss city poses a special card for girls
Chagn Grand Hotel offers a trip for girls beyond the usual, as no shopping or concerts, but not men sport and eat healthy eating and relaxing in the mountains long Grezonz
And after exercise in nature, accompanied by a special coach and relax in an oasis Chagn mountain and enjoy a balanced diet is no doubt that every woman will feel lively and recovery, and after will have the girls the opportunity to experience the fashion show with trained official posts in the Miss Switzerland
Grand Hotel offers Chagn "Tschuggen Grand Hotel" in Arosa for girls the opportunity to experience the test in the arms of a beautiful nature Vbagh girls Girls gone wild is based on the exercise in the beautiful nature surrounding the hotel, which is designed especially to meet the desires of girlfriends who want to spend fun times together
These include the package stay for two nights at the hotel with two meals a day and classes for sixty minutes with a special coach can be designed to suit the requirements of each girl, and include the package also ticket free entry to one Chagn mountain and train Chagn Express rapid private hotel
This offer is valid for groups of at least four girls and can be booked between July 4 and September 21, 2014 and between November 28 and December 4, 2014 from 630 Swiss francs, equivalent to almost 525 euros per person
The Grand Hotel offers Chagn for girls the opportunity to experience the fashion show with trained posts in the Miss Switzerland Christina Iuksymovich
In addition to practicing to walk in the shoes with a high heel, you will learn how to improve the posts also way Qovhen rotation and how to sit down and take off the jacket and take positions suitable for photos.
Receives this workshop at least four girls at a starting price of 300 Swiss francs, equivalent to almost 250 euros per person and duration of 90 minutes, and can be booked at the hotel as an activity additional