7 golden tips for the modern woman before traveling

7 golden tips for the modern woman before traveling

Madam, do you Astaadit travel after? You prepare luggage and bags packed, but not your willingness Profile did not seem okay and still Thtarin evaluating what could be done before you travel to seeing you in perfectly? Here are 8 important tips collected "HootelTravel" you specially before setting off

To be sure, travel and climatic fluctuations of the things that are usually left raised negative on the skin, eyes and so we recommend you choose a moisturizer non-greasy, enhanced acid, hyaluronic and vitamin E to provide moisture good for your skin and maintain its flexibility and vitality, despite climate fluctuations that would be exposed during travel. And do not forget the importance of using sunscreen rich solar filters to protect your skin from the negative effects caused by UV light. And feet special attention to your eyes, and used a two moisturizer rich in vitamins before boarding the plane, and choose Eye Cream which removes a good congestion of the eyelids and the appearance of fatigue around 
accessories are a great way to maintain a good appearance, scarves (scarves) commensurate with the most fashion, whether it is clothes for the evening or the sea or ordinary clothes, scarves also make you stylish during your trip in the plane or during seated in a restaurant. In addition, the earrings, a ring or a necklace enough to make you more elegance and beauty of paper, Valxssuarat have a big impact on your overall look
Jhazee makeup bag commensurate with events Sthoudrenha, but Atbaghei put in stark makeup in the summer heat and sunlight, but Connie simple, just Identify makeup bag dedicated to travel, inside lotions that you use it every day. Small preparations for travel is the most convenient, although not available Buy normal size

Keep your valuables, Ajaliha Ahzmi near you and your jewelry and your medications and Chargers Mobile in your handbag. If you take you luxury handbag for the evening put them in your handbag, but Atbaghei in Jewelry accompany many, so as not to be vulnerable to loss or theft, and make sure to carry your bag valuables with you on the plane. (Tips to avoid losing your luggage while traveling) 
(See also: Tips to keep your passport and valuables valuables while traveling) 
choose comfortable clothes of the kind that does not hinder circulation or lead to water retention in the cells because it will leave a negative impact on your health and is reflected on the features of your face. Also, we recommend Pantaal shoe comfortable and practical for travel, and take with you clothes and comfortable shoes that can last you throughout the flight. The aim of the trip is to enjoy States and the places you visit, not a review of the costumes. (See also: the most important tips readers of "Conde Nast Traveler" for women traveling alone) 
Drink plenty of water before you travel a few days for your body to be ready to resist the case of dehydration Dehydration is not exposed to water retention responsible for swelling of the eyelids, hands and feet while traveling

when the ascension on the plane do not think too much with what awaits you missed, but try to relax and do you see the sky from your window, and can also try to sleep while your eyes gattine sleep mask that makes you sleep deeply reflected positively on the features of your face